
Benefits of Dancing in the Churches And Why Pastor Kumuyi should not stop it

By Ola  Ajayi

On23rdOct,2021 Saturday morning, God gave me a vision in which people that danced in deeper life meeting were being disciplined by their leaders in an attempt to stop further dancing in the church.Then the Holy Spirit gave me these words in that revelation to describe the action of those church leaders.

(1)Anti – Scriptural

(2)Anti- churches


Embolism is clotting of blood in blood vessels leading to severe damages of vital organs of the body.

I will come back to those words later.

About two weeks ago Pastor Kumuyi had preached a message in which he said “ Deeper life is not a dancing church “ and mistakenly said “there’s no need for dancing in the churches’  This statement is not only anti- scriptural, but also anti- health (i.e against people’s health). 

Starting with deeper life church with about three or four meetings on weekly bases, each meeting lasting for about three hours, seating down only to listen to message for several hours. Also with regular retreats and camping where you may seat on a spot for straight 10 hours daily for about four days. Obviously, without dancing in the church, being a member will confine you to a sedentary lifestyle.

The following are the Dangers of seating for too long in a church without  movement.

(1). Embolism – coagulation of blood within the blood vessels in certain areas of the body resulting in decrease blood supply to vital body tissues of brain, heart and lungs. The blood clots can form in prolonged stationary legs, If the clots travel to the brain it becomes cerebral embolism leading to stroke and paralysis. If it travels to the lungs, it becomes pulmonary embolism resulting into reduce oxygen in the body, shortness of breath and palpitations. I think that was the reason the Holy Ghost gave that word , ’embolism.

(2) Loss of muscle strength, loss of body fitness .

(3). Bone weakness and increase risk of osteoporosis.

(4). Reduce coordination, reduce agility and flexibility.

(5.) Numbness  in the hand and toes.

At this point allow me to list the spiritual and physical benefits of Dancing :

1. Dancing provides fellowship with God. When you dance before God, your spirit is lifted and you enjoy a connection with Him.

2. Dancing is prayer – when you don’t have words to say, simply dance and your heart will express the things that your mouth cannot express.

3.Dance provides a Spiritual escape. 

You can escape from the harsh reality of whatever it is that you’re going through. when you dance before the Lord, you can cast all your cares upon Him. Whatever troubles you becomes a distant memory.

4. Dancing provides true fellowship with the brethren – when we experience movement together it provides the bliss we seek in the Spirit of fellowship

5. Brain, Heart and lungs become better. During dance, there is momentary happiness that release into the blood stream a lot of happy hormones e.g  Dopamine, oxytocins, endorphins and serotonins. These hormones and neurotransmitters help the brain, heart and lungs to function better, also reduce general body pain.

6. Dance increases gastrointestinal motility and digestion.

7. Dancing increases tone in the muscles of the body, and body flexibility.

8. Dancing improves spatial motor coordination of the body.

9. A Christian that dances regularly before God cannot have stroke and high blood pressure.      

When did Pastor Kumuyi cut off drumming and dancing?

Pastor Kumuyi cut off drumming and dancing because he overdid it. Too much of everything is bad.  When he was a member of a white garment church, he was a drummer and had too much interest in dancing. Dancing, drumming and playing were his extracurricular activities, (which was fine) but he overdid it to the point that he said he was getting less than 10% in Geometry, 0% in chemistry, 5% in Biology. When he got into final year in the college, he turned over a new leaf, he cut off all drumming, dancing and playing and faced his final year examination with all concentration that it required which made him had A1 in Mathematics, A3 in Pure and Applied Mathematics, since then he vowed never to go back to the things he once overdid. That was when Pastor Kumuyi personally cut off drumming, dancing and playing because he did it too much that it led to his initial academic failure.

Drumming and dancing are good, too much of everything is bad.( I pray the torment of that initial failure will stop hunting him in the name of Jesus Christ)

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 4. ” To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to weep , a time to laugh, a time to morn and a time to dance”. At the time to dance, dance very well. At the time to study, study very well. God is happy with that.

Psalm 30:11 “thou hast turn my mourning into dancing, ”  So if God has turned your mourning into dancing; please dance, and dance very well,  God is happy with that. 

Christians are not mourners we are happy people, the Bible says “rejoice always in Christ, again I say rejoice” Philippians 4:4.

 Also in James 5:13   – is  any merry, let him sing psalms.  

 Ephesians 5:19 “in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord. ( The opposite of dancing is mourning)

 With all these scriptures, you should see dancing as a spiritual expression of joy.  When you get to heaven you will dance and nobody will ever stop you.  Hallelujah.

 2 Samuel 6:16- David danced before the Lord, when the ark of God came to the city of David, God was happy with David and did not discipline him.                   

 Don’t ever try to despise people that are dancing before God, as deeper life leaders are trying to do now.

Milcha, Saul’s daughter despised David, and God disciplined her for that, she was barren.

 Psalms 149verses 2 and 3 let Israel rejoice in him that made him, let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name in the dance. 

Psalm 150: 4 Praise him with timbrel and dance. a lot of instrument were listed, all of them require body movement. Dancing before God is a means of praising God in which your whole body is the musical instrument. 

 When Pastor Kumuyi finally gets to heaven and sees the fruit of his labours,  I’m sure he will be overwhelmed with joy, he will dance and dance and roll on the floor of gold in praises as angels will welcome him into his beautiful mansion in glory. I pray he will make it there in Jesus Name.

But for now, there is practically no reason to deny ourselves of the holy joy associated with praises and dancing before the Lord.

I love you all, Rejoice always. Hallelujah.

Bishop Ola  Ajayi is the General Overseer, Sufficient  Grace Ministry.

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