BCPG calls for preserving heritage buildings, warn against reckless sales

By: Tijani Salako.
The Building Collapse Prevention Guild (BCPG) has expressed concern over the reckless sale of heritage buildings in Yaba, Lagos State, to developers. This trend poses a significant threat to the preservation of the area’s rich cultural and architectural heritage.
National Vice President of BCPG, Imeh Udoh, said their is need to protect these iconic buildings, which are being sold by dynasty of the original owners without regard for their historical significance.
BCPG noted that Yaba has a history of building collapses, including a 2022 incident where a four-story hostel building under construction collapsed, killing five people. Another incident occurred in 2015, when a five-story building collapsed on Commercial Avenue.
To prevent such incidents, BCPG stresses the importance of maintaining old buildings and promoting standard building construction practices. Yaba, being a hub for building-related courses, should set an example for the rest of the country.
Kunle Awobodu, Pioneer National President of BCPG, advised developers to target the standard set by the West African Examinations Council building in Yaba, which has withstood the test of time.
BCPG’s efforts to prevent building collapses are crucial, especially considering the guild’s report of 47 building collapses across 14 states in 2024.
The guild is calling on the relevant authorities, developers, and building owners to take immediate action to preserve Yaba’s heritage buildings. This includes conducting thorough inspections and assessments, developing preservation plans, and providing incentives for building owners to maintain and preserve their properties.